Next I tapped for the set screws for the wheel pins, installed the Orange Osage pins I'd made and put a slight bevel on the round.
When I went to tap for the bolts that hold the brackets to the legs, I spaced and used the wrong tap. I went too big and messed up the holes. Luckily, the world makes a product called PC Lumber that set up in about an hour and let me re-tap for the bolts.
From here is was a matter of assembling the vise and adjusting the glide for smooth movement. After I'd achieved a fairly smooth action on the leg vise, I mounted the leg vise's screw bushing. This fits the screw like a glove and keeps everything precisely tuned. I used my router plane to inlay the bushing and it is purposefully not a tight fit to allow adjustment. Sorry, but I didn't get any photos of this procedure. I always have too much fun using the router.

I'm extremely excited to know that this week I'll finally be getting rid of the sawhorses I've been working on as a bench for the last couple years!
That's pretty cool. I am getting the itch to make me a bench. Keep up the good work.
Did you do any testing of how the vise moves without the roller wheels installed? I have a 2" wood screw for my leg vise and I'm debating the merits of making the roller supports for the parallel guide myself. Thoughts?
Jeff, thank you! I will try.
Steve, it may be an apples to oranges. This one does need the rollers. There is play in the mechanism. The installation of the rollers was the first step toward good function and the bushing was the final piece that really dialed in the action. I would think the wheels would still be necessary, even just for the longevity of the wooden screw. Over time the chop is a lot of weight on the threads.
I would bet the "mistake" you made with the hole size is a good thing! I have worked with Douglas fir in the past and I think the compound you used will last longer. Great photos by the way!
Looks great Vic! I like the design you picked for the chop, looks nice and clean.
Terrific job, Vic! You gotta be proud to get to this point. Suggestion: Could you PLEASE shoot some video when you turn it right-side-up? That will be awesome!!!
Joe - Thanks on the photos. That's my other passion. It, however, is a distant second. I think the Fir I have is tight grained enough to have done well, if I had not screwed it up. I have to remember to work smart and move, but not too fast.
Chris - Thanks! As you see more and more of my designs, you'll find I love the Art Deco period, as well as many other of the less embellished period styles. I love Japanese aesthetic, too. All things simple, yet elegant. I sure hope I can pull that off on a regular basis. I'm working hard to make that happen.
Al - If I did film that, it would be an incredibly boring run on. I'm not about to get into video editing, at least not yet. I'm trying to pare down what I do outside of my woodworking to make more time for that and my life with Sylvia. A man has to have his priorities, right?
Maybe if I do my chores you'll give me the keys to that bench. Just want to take it for a quick spin. What harm could possibly occur.
I'm excited for you and your progression.
Oh Tom, m' boy, you can drive this bench any time. You're a good lad!
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