Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Don't Limit Yourself - You can DO IT!!

I'm currently experiencing my 15 minutes of the fabled Andy Warhol fame.  My first fine furniture project is being featured in The WoodWhisperer Viewer Projects.  The reason I'm writing now is to let all those of you who think you can't do amazing things out of the gate know that it's that thought that keeps it from happening.  Yes, you have to tune your machines and hand tools.  Yes, you need to study and practice.  But, this is indeed my first furniture project.  I have done construction related projects over the years, but that has only made me comfortable with most power tools.  This project was night and day away from a construction project.  The things I had on my side were a GREAT support system that consists of people like Marc Spagnuolo, my wife Sylvia, my good friends, Neil Lamens, Kari Hultman, Al Navas the many folks in The WoodWhisper Live/Chatroom and most of all a positive attitude that enables me to tackle anything without first telling myself I can't do it.  There are many other people who have encouraged me and helped me figure out how to do something, but the point is to surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed.  YOU can do it.  Stop saying negative things to yourself.  If you have people around you who don't believe in you, avoid them!  It's really that easy.  If you are going to accomplish any of your dreams, you have to first and foremost believe you can.  


Tom Iovino said...

WOOT! Awesome work, Vic! Glad to see you reaching out beyond your comfort level and succeeding... :-)

Vic Hubbard said...

Just following your example, Tom! Now, I need to get my ars in gear and keep my blog updated.

Jaky said...

OMG, that's so good Sir! Hope you don't mind when I call you that. Stumbled from Prolific living and you've an amazing blog, you know that?! Isn't that like that Kung Fu Panda movie? 'You just have to believe'...

Vic Hubbard said...

LOL! I don't mind what you call me, Jaky. I've been really blessed to come out of a very dark place in life to realize how wonderfully brilliant the world is, if you choose it. But, you DO have to make that choice. Yes, I think anyone can do anything they really have a passion for. The only limits are those we impose on ourselves. Btw, Farnoosh is awesome! I love reading her blog. It's in my google reader.